Remembrance exists for the glory of God in the worship and holiness of His people. We exalt the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, the second person of the Trinity. We believe and teach that He alone is the way, the truth, and the life -- the only hope for all people who by grace alone, through faith alone, trust in Him. The centrality of Christ guides our life and practice.
Remembrance Community Church is a Reformed Baptist Church. We are guided in matters of doctrine first by the Scriptures and secondarily by the 1689 London Baptist Confession. We have a high view of the Word of God as inerrant, inspired, and infallible.
We invite you to come and worship with us. Our worship service reflects a covenantal interaction between God and His people whereby He calls us from His Word, and we respond in worship and praise. We would be honored to welcome you when we gather together on Sunday morning to learn more about Christ and what it means for a Christian to follow Jesus and walk by faith.
9:20 am
- Adult Bible Study
- Youth Sunday School (Grades 6 - 7)
- Youth Subday School (Grades 8=12)
- Children's Sunday School (Grades 2 - 5)
- Children's Sunday School (Grades PK-1)
- Toddler Sunday School and Nursery (Infant - 3)
10:20 am
A nursery is provided during the worship service, as well as a nursing mothers room in the back of the sanctuary. We encourage families to worship together.
10:30 am